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10News in Tampa Bay reports that the NTSB, the National Transportation Safety Board, has released its list for most wanted improvements for 2015.

Increased regulation could worsen the current driver shortage, impact service times, and affect shipping costs. With less drivers available to move freight, shippers are looking for ways to continue to get shipments to customers on time. Less drivers can mean longer transit times or less frequent pickups by carriers. Safety affects everyone; the costs related to an accident can be passed along to the customer in the form of higher rates.

1 Comment:

  • By S D Watson / 28 Jan 2015 / Reply

    You make an astute point. Protecting public safety is vital, but so also is the ability to provide goods and materials promptly and at commercially reasonable rates. Each new regulation carries with it important costs ultimately passed through to the public, a hidden tax buried in rates easily overlooked by regulators.

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