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The recent news regarding ILWU Labor negotiations sparks further examination. Shippers have moved up orders, asked customers to take on more inventory, and routed cargo through ports in Canada and the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts. According to a Journal of Commerce survey, two thirds of shippers who participated plan to divert some cargo away from the U.S West Coast ports to avoid disruption that could emerge from contract negotiations. The majority of those planning on making changes stated they will ship through East or Gulf Coast ports, with others using ports in Canada and Mexico. The risk of disruption is just too great. But when these changes are made, will the overflow to other ports cause even further problems with service?

What happens when your long-standing contracts must adapt to conditions in the political climate? Companies must be prepared to negotiate new rates and lanes and then ensure the changes are put into effect. Will they be fully executed in a timely manner and entered into your rate engines? How will changes to your freight routes and rates affect your customers and the programming that goes on behind the scene? Are you prepared? Many companies scramble to catch up to ever-changing needs. They are forced to make quick decisions in a time of chaos. This is where the term “hindsight is 20/20” comes into play at AMTR. We have the leisure of taking our time and going back to see how rates changed and if you were invoiced correctly. After all the dust settles, we can go back and make sure you were invoiced properly and recover any loss. Let us show you how.

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