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A June 2015 Harvard Business Review article on the impacts of smarter machines on human labor highlighted the important contrast between “automation versus augmentation of human work”.

According to the authors Thomas Davenport and Julia Kirby, “automation starts with a baseline of what people do in a given job and subtracts from it…where, in contrast, augmentation starts with what humans do and allows the approach to work to be deepened rather than diminished through the use of machines.” The core of AMTR ’s business model rests on an “augmentation” strategy. Our human transportation experts are enabled — not replaced — by leading-edge technologies and proprietary data mining processes to recover the most for our clients. Certainly “automated” freight audits can generate recoveries, but they will never identify a large percentage of billing errors that AMTR sees on a daily basis because they do not offer human insight or context evaluation, nor do they ask the ‘why’ questions. As a matter of fact, we enjoy servicing accounts after an automated audit because we already know the kinds of errors computers will make. Whether your company uses an internal audit, automated audit or no freight cost audit at all, AMTR can help. Contact us today and let us put our human experts AND our technology to work saving you freight cost dollars.

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