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As the year draws to a close, AMTR is proud to reflect on the successful accomplishment of key strategic goals directed at improving internal operations and, more importantly, better serving our customers. In 2016, we tackled improvements and changes across the board with initiatives focused on people, processes and technology.

The AMTR employee base grew by 10%. Additional auditors were certified in Transportation Logistics & the Law and Motor Carrier Operations. The company completed an organizational restructure, introduced new training and education programs for all employees and put key HR functions online.

We increased our transportation industry conference presence, improved and simplified client data extraction/download techniques and re-engineered customer billing and claims processes from the ground up.

Our IT staff retooled all audit and support staff production software systems, implemented an advanced OCR document imaging system that automated data entry for 90% of pre-audit accounts, accomplished significant hardware upgrades to increase processing power and efficiency throughout the organization and upgraded server-side software applications to allow increased data mining/analysis and reporting capabilities.

It has been a busy year, but we believe continuous improvement is the key to better customer service. The results speak for themselves as we are happy to report having added a number of prominent companies to our client list just this year.

Finally, before we transition our thoughts to the hustle and bustle of 2017, we want to wish all of you Happy Holidays!

AMTR appreciates your business and wants to continue to be your freight overcharge “Santa Claus” in 2017.

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