At AMTR, the core of our business model rests on human knowledge. In addition to our in-depth proficiency with our customers’ freight operations, we also pride ourselves in the recognition of current industry “hot” topics. Whether it is industry happenings, announcements or trends, it is our job to stay on top of it and, moreover, to understand and apply it to benefit our customers where possible. Some examples follow:
-The acquisitions of short lines by Class I carriers, in addition to truck mergers, are likely to generate changes to rates and/or rules. We are always on the lookout for how such changes affect not only our clients’ current costs, but also accounts payable processes. When carriers are added, deleted or altered, duplication can become a problem during the transition phase.
-As subscribers to all carrier rules tariffs and support publications (such as RAILINC and the NMFC), we are in a unique position to help clients when they cannot program such verbiage or logic into their rate systems. We also find any application errors in freight invoicing regarding these changes after they become effective.
If your company lacks the time to focus on new industry knowledge, and especially to take advantage of it regarding improving freight processes and reducing freight costs, then it is time to call AMTR. Let us do the knowledge work, so you can reap the freight savings.
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