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Career Opportunities

Interested in working at AMTR?

Job Opportunities

AMTR is always searching for talented, new members to join our team. Experience and/or background in the areas of transportation, supply chain, information systems, computer science, law, accounting, marketing, mathematics, and entrepreneurship is especially helpful but not required.  We periodically have openings for truck and rail auditor, as well as audit support and information technology positions, but are always open to discuss what we do with those who want to know more.

If you are interested in learning about the unique field of freight cost auditing/logistics/supply chain and/or working in a family-owned, small business environment, please contact Summer Bartczak at sbartczak@amtr.com.

Internship Opportunities

AMTR has paid internship openings for truck & rail auditors, marketing & sales, data entry, and IT positions. Students (or others) who have backgrounds in or are studying transportation, supply chain, information systems, computer science, law, accounting, marketing, mathematics, and entrepreneurship are especially encouraged to apply.  We support semester, summer-long, and other term (with prior approval) student internships. Selection for the internship positions are competitive and require application and interview.

If you are interested in learning about the unique field of freight cost auditing/logistics/supply chain and working in a family-owned, small business environment, contact or submit your resume to Summer Bartczak,  sbartczak@amtr.com.

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