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Our History

American Truck & Rail Audits, Inc. was founded in 1979 and became a true functioning entity in 1981. The company has had three name changes as it has grown over the years. Prior names were Scott Company and Revenue Recoveries (not to be confused with the existing firm in Florida).

The “American Truck & Rail Audits, Inc.” (AMTR) name was established in 1996 with the purchase of a large rail post audit firm. AMTR is headquartered in North Little Rock, Arkansas.

AMTR was founded by Ed Scott and Mike Lasiter. These founders recognized, early on, the impacts of transportation deregulation and increasing computerization of logistics-related business processes. In that vein, they positioned the company to help clients bridge the ensuing human “knowledge-loss gap” and correct “costing” errors generated by increasingly automated systems. As such, the focus of AMTR strategy has been to support shippers in reducing freight costs and enhancing operational efficiencies through audits and recoveries led by human transportation expert auditors using leading-edge IT tools and proprietary knowledge-based discovery processes.

Over the years the company has had significant growth in clients and employees. Today, AMTR services some of the country’s largest truck and rail shippers including a significant number of Fortune 50/100/500 companies. Although after-payment (post) audit has always been our signature service, AMTR offers an ever-increasing portfolio of education and consulting services, as well as pre-audit and payment services to selected clients. Our specialties include Timber, Grains, Chemicals, Metals, Papers and Consumer Goods industries. From 2013-2017, Shan Scott, son of Ed Scott and 30+ year company employee, served as CEO. In 2018, in the wake of Shan’s unfortunate passing, his sister, Summer (Scott) Bartczak, who worked beside him a number of years prior at AMTR, succeeded him in the role of CEO.

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