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Freight Pre-Audit/Pre-Audit & Pay Services

Our freight pre-audit service focuses on auditing freight records before a client sends out payment. A complete audit is conducted with corrected invoices being returned to the client. This service is for clients that want to keep payment activities in-house.

The pre-audit/pre-audit & pay process works generally like this:


These services help to:

  • Eliminate overpayments due to carrier billing errors, duplicate payments, etc.
  • Allow freight bills to be paid on a timely basis & take advantage of quick payment incentives
  • Relieve Accounts Payable congestion/overhead along with reducing overall freight expenses
  • Improve freight record processing

AMTR’s pre-audit/pre-audit & pay services are targeted at small/medium shippers that do not ship enough volume to benefit from a large, pre-payment firm and that may need an outsourced transportation function.

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