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Why Smart Auditing®?

Smart Connections Freight Cost Complexities
Require ‘Smart’ Approach
Synergy between transportation experts and technology
is crucial for unraveling complexities
Smart Connections Freight Cost Complexities
Require ‘Smart’ Approach
Synergy between transportation experts and technology
is crucial for unraveling complexities

Freight cost determination and problem resolution is increasingly impacted by what AMTR identifies as freight cost complexities. Freight cost complexities include automated technology, transportation knowledge loss, governing document content, decentralization of transportation functions and process/system changes as a result of mergers and acquisitions, to name a few. Moreover, these complexities and problems that result from them require attention and time to remedy—time organizations rarely have to dedicate to them.

For as long as AMTR has been in existence, our business model has put human, transportation experts at the center of our freight auditing service—an approach we call Smart Auditing®. Our team of auditors are arguably the most knowledgeable in the industry; each and every one having successfully passed a rigorous apprentice and training program as well as completed required certifications in transportation law, motor carrier operations, etc. These experts are well aware of the many freight cost complexities and are highly trained to quickly identify their impacts, especially when they are generating freight overcharges and increasing your freight spend unnecessarily.

Using our Smart Auditing® approach, our expert auditors will discover any freight monies you have paid in error, recover those monies for you, and educate you on how to avoid losing those monies again. Freight cost errors do not have to be a “price” of doing business in today’s complex world.

AMTR’s Smart Auditing® is enhanced by the use of our ‘Smart’ Tech and ‘Smart’ Net, which overall enables us to offer our ‘Smart’ Services.

'Smart' Tech

‘Smart’ Tech

AMTR has a robust and constantly evolving architecture that is designed to support the ‘big data’ operations demanded by both our clients and internal auditing experts.

The core of our hardware infrastructure is a pair of clustered datacenter-grade servers that ensure speed and reliability are never an issue when it comes to processing data at AMTR. Each of these servers is equipped with 32 processors, 192 GB of ram, and 12 TB of solid-state storage. By utilizing failover-clustering, we can guarantee 100% up time even if we lose an entire server due to hardware failure.  This top-of-the-line hardware allows us to maximize the performance and efficiency of our proprietary software. The core of our software infrastructure is comprised of systems written using a number of programming frameworks to implement and maintain our unique full-stack approach to auditing. This allows us to quickly and precisely manipulate customer data in a multitude of ways to provide our team of auditors with sorting, filtering, analysis, and data mining capabilities to form a complete picture of all shipping and billing transactions that are distinct to the client.

Specifically, the backbone of AMTR’s ‘Smart’ Net system is comprised of Windows Server 2016 Datacenter and SQL Server 2016 with multi-level gigabit switching between all servers and clients.  Our ‘Smart’ Net auditing software is highly customized to meet a client’s specific needs while remaining completely language-agnostic. This flexible and multi-level approach means our software easily integrates with any client’s existing infrastructure and database(s).

'Smart' Net

‘Smart’ Net

Over the years, AMTR has created a unique innovation we call ‘Smart’ Net.

‘Smart’ Net is a set of proprietary processes, enabled by leading-edge software tools, that allows our auditors to crawl shipper/carrier freight system data to identify duplicate billing, rating problems, routing issues and a plethora of other scenarios where the customer is overpaying a carrier. These are errors that are rarely uncovered with “off the shelf” software alone. Using advanced database systems, query structures based on codified auditor knowledge, time-tested data mining and analytic frameworks, and visualization tools, we have evolved a set of tightly integrated processes that cast the widest “net” possible to find even the most elusive errors for our clients. Moreover, ‘Smart’ Net is constantly evolving and getting better; as our auditors uncover new issues and errors, their findings are quickly incorporated into the next iteration.

To be clear, ‘Smart’ Net is not rating software, and it never takes the place of our auditor experts! The power of ‘Smart’ Net comes from the synergy between auditor expert knowledge and highly-customized IT tools and processes.

Our ‘Smart’ Net system is unique in the industry! It allows AMTR to audit at a depth and quality that sets us apart, and as such, allows us to consistently recover more money for our clients.

Smart Auditing Saves Money

Are you interested in how American Truck and Rail Audits can discover and recover your lost freight dollars?

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